Formation at Theological College includes organizing and monitoring seminarian apostolates in numerous pastoral settings (religious education programs, parishes, hospitals, and other outreaches) within the city as well as the larger metropolitan area. Under the strong leadership of Rev. Chris Arockiaraj, P.S.S., assisted by staff member Cornelia Hart, the success of this well-developed program rests with those individuals who mentor the seminarians in their placements.

About 50 pastors, religious, agency directors, hospital and military chaplains, University faculty, directors of religious education programs, and teachers were our guests for Vespers and a sumptuous meal, as seminarians and formation faculty expressed their gratitude for the gifts of time and relationship that each supervisor offers.

Pictured above, Rev. Andrew Fisher, Pastor of St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Annandale, Va., accepts the Gerald S. Brown Award for Excellence in Pastoral Ministry from TC Rector, Fr. McBrearity. St. Ambrose’s DRE, Ms. Laura Mead, and TC seminarians assigned to the parish joined the celebration of this exemplary pastor. 

For the full story, see the upcoming Summer 2019 issue of The Crossroads!