
Our formation program is grounded in the directives of the Church and prepares the seminarian with a focus on the four dimensions of formation: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. Sulpician formation is holistic in nature and includes attention to the well-being of the priest. Seminarians are formed by a structured program and by the witness of their formators’ lives and experiences.

Seminarian Life

The formation programs at Theological College are complemented and supported by a vibrant community life. Following the Sulpician Tradition of the holistic priesthood, TC encourages and supports the fostering of a strong brotherhood amongst the seminarians while encouraging a healthy, relaxing atmosphere for their emotional well-being.

Liturgical Life

A rich liturgical and musical program enhances TC’s life of formation. TC strives to follow the Church’s directives for music and its incorporation into the liturgy. Many students participate in the TC Schola Cantorum under the guidance of Rev. James Kearney, P.S.S.

Basselin Scholars Program

The Basselin Scholars Program provides a unique scholarship opportunity for undergraduates who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood and who have completed at least two years of course work with a superior academic record.

Theology Program

For men with a college degree and a firm philosophical foundation, who have discerned the call to begin formal theological studies.

Pre-Theology Program

For men who hear God’s calling to the priesthood and have already completed an undergraduate degree but require additional philosophical formation before entering theological studies.

Spanish Studies

Theological College hosts a dynamic student-run Hispanic Affairs Committee whose activities include weekly opportunities to grow in language fluency and awareness of the various Hispanic cultures in America. The HAC also organizes annual service trips to Spanish-speaking countries.

Propaedeudic Year

The US Sulpician Province has opened a house of propaedeutic formation at the site of the first Roman Catholic seminary in the United States, St. Mary’s Seminary on Paca Street in Baltimore. Formators at The Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney House, which was established in response to the release of the sixth edition of the Program for Priestly Formation, will accompany  candidates for not only Theological College and St. Mary’s Seminary, but also for any arch/diocese in the contiguous Eastern region.

Sulpician Tradition

For over 380 years, the priests of the Society of Saint Sulpice have dedicated themselves to seminarian formation. The Sulpician founder, Father Jean-Jacques Olier, understood the heart of the diocesan priest and created a formation program suited specifically so that the diocesan priest would be molded into a true shepherd of his people.