Sulpician Meditations for Advent 2021


Podcasts are available for the readings of each day during Advent, beginning
November 29, here. 

Podcasts by Fr. David Thayer

Senior Researcher on the French School and the Sulpician Tradition

Fr. David D. Thayer, P.S.S., a renowned expert on the French School of Spirituality, is presenting a daily podcast series of meditations on the readings of Advent according to the three-step method from the Sulpician tradition:

ADORATION – Jesus before my eyes: Asks us to adore God in Jesus Christ by contemplating some attitude or attribute of Jesus—His words, His actions, His sentiment.

COMMUNION—Jesus in my heart: Draws us into deeper union with the Lord by incorporating us into what we adore.

COOPERATION—Jesus in my hands: We fully submit ourselves to the actions of the Holy Spirit so that the Spirit may inspire us and enable us to put into action what we have learned in prayer.

As recommended by Father Jean-Jacques Olier, Founder, Society of St. Sulpice (1641)