This year’s fast for the homeless was sponsored by the Social Justice Committee, with the cooperation of the Community Life and Prayer & Worship committees. Deacon Justin Miller (4-T, Rochester) and Chris Kelley (1-PT, Hartford, to the right of the pillar, above) were co-chairs of the program that provided 120 meals — organized by Sunder Michael and Sodexo and assembled in bags and boxes by seminarians — to the New York Avenue Emergency Shelter. Jon Lyons, one of the coordinators for the shelter, reminded TC visitors that residents of the shelter “are just regular guys like us, so treat them with the same human dignity you would anyone else.” TC volunteers met several of the men and talked about their lives. Some were veterans, others had mental disabilities and could not get care anywhere else, while another was a foreign college student who lacked enough money to live on his own. The meals included a sandwich, apple, water, chips, crackers, and a prayer card for the Year of Mercy designed by Deacon Miller. While it was clear that the men appreciated the meal, shelter residents and seminarians alike were thankful for the fraternal opportunity to get to know each other.