At the end of the last day of classes for the Fall semester, the entire TC community convened for an evening to pray, feast, and enjoy the New Men Show before the final week of exams.

The Mass celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto, a fitting recognition as all are preparing to return to their home dioceses  where, God willing, they will someday serve their priestly ministries. In his homily, the rector, Fr. Dominic Ciriaco, reminded us that Loreto, Italy, is where the home of the Virgin Mary is situated, a home imbued with deep meaning and purpose: “The Feast of Our Lady of Loreto signifies a bridge between the Advent Season and Christmas. Loreto is the home where Mary grew up and where the Annuciation that the Word would become Flesh was made. It was the home of the Holy Family where Jesus was raised. The celebration of this Holy House reminds us of our own dwelling places — where we come from; where our own vocations were fostered. The Christmas Season break affords us the time to reflect on these dwelling places and give thanks to God for the people in our lives.”

The TC community wishes all a happy, healthy, blessed Christmas Season!